The Shutdown Ritual: How to Drastically Reduce Stress
A simple and effective strategy to leave work behind
We’ve established that work and love are the cornerstones of a meaningful and happy life. But how do you switch your focus from deep work to deep love every day?
To answer that question, we’ll once again turn to the wisdom of Cal Newport. Without exception, at the end of his workdays, he runs a work shutdown ritual. It looks roughly like this:
First, he reads over his master task list. If something is urgent, he schedules it for the near future.
Next, he reviews his calendar for the next two weeks. He confirms what appointments and deadlines are coming up.
Then, he reviews his plan for the week. He makes notes about what got done this day and how he will revise the remaining days of the week.
And, finally, he closes his computer and says his magic phrase:
“Schedule shutdown, complete!”
This routine gets any lingering work-related tasks out of his head and into a system he trusts. So, when he leaves his office for the day, he doesn’t have to worry about work in the evening.
If you tend to take work-related worries home with you, I highly recommend creating your own shutdown ritual.
Establish a few quick steps you can take at the end of each workday to be on top of your tasks. Then end your workday with a ceremonial “Shutdown complete!” (or similar phrase).
Give yourself a clear break from work. That way, you can be fully present with your loved ones, and you can return fully energized to your work.